26 Things You Don’t Realize Are Mistakes Until You’re Older

Young life…this life…it’s precious. You don’t understand what you have now until you’re old. It’s the vibe, energy and beauty of youth that writes most of your life story. It’s what you do then that makes you feel content and happy. Make sure you don’t miss out on your youth and have the time of your life.

1. Not travelling while you could.

1. Not travelling while you could.

You were young and vibrant and had so much more time to enjoy your life to its fullest…

2. Skipping the gym and neglecting physical fitness.

2. Skipping gym and neglecting physical fitness.

3. Not quitting a terrible job.

3. Not quitting a terrible job.

Those stressful, demeaning times you inflicted upon yourself, when you could have spent that time searching for something that would honor your talent.

4. Not saying I love you when you had the chance.

4. Not saying I love you when you had the chance.

And now you just wish you had gathered some courage to do it.

5. Living someone else’s dream.

5. Living someone else's dream.

When you could have just taken that leap of faith and lived your own.

6. Spending your time procrastinating.

6. Spending your time procrastinating.

When you could made use of it and could have done something productive.

7. Not trying harder in school.

7. Not trying harder at school.

8. Not spending enough time with your family and friends.

8. Not spending enough time with your family and friends.

9. Holding grudges against people, especially your loved ones.

9. Holding grudges with people, especially your loved ones.

It takes seconds to bond, but a lifetime to mend a broken relationship.

10. Not realizing how beautiful you are.

10. Not realizing how beautiful you are.

Now that you’re old…you realize it every single day of your life.

11. Being too consumed in work.

11. Being too consumed in work.

When you could’ve managed some time out to relax and hang out with friends and enjoy life.

12. Not taking the time to learn something new when you could.

12. Not taking the time to learn something new when you could.

Something you always wished you knew.

13. Not taking up adventures.

13. Not taking up adventures.

Those which pushed you beyond your comfort level.

14. Confining yourself to defined gender roles.

14. Confining yourself to defined gender roles.

15. Getting into unnecessary fights.

15. Getting into unnecessary fights.

16. Not listening to your parent’s advice.

16. Not listening to your parents advice.

17. Staying in a bad relationship.

17. Staying in a bad relationship.

You now feel you should have ended it sooner and not wasted so much of your life on it.


18. Always worrying about what others think.

19. Always worrying about what others think.

19. Holding yourself back due to society and cultural norms.

20. Holding yourself back due to society and cultural norms.

20. Starting off something and never finishing it.

21. Starting off something and never finishing it.

Leaving it incomplete for you to ponder on later in your life.

21. Never performing in front of others.

22. Never performing in front of others.

22. Worrying way too much.

23. Worrying way too much.

23. Letting jealousy over power you.

24. Letting jealousy over power you.

24. Not taking the time to make contacts or engage in networking.

25. Not taking the time to make contacts or engage in networking.

25. Hurting a close friend.

26. Hurting a close friend.

And now you regret that every second of your life .

26. Not being grateful enough

27. Not being grateful enough.