30 Baby Shower Cakes That Will Give You Nightmares. #22 Is Insane.
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1. Why hello there, face that will haunt my nightmares forever.

2. Is the Cat in the Hat the father, or just a supportive friend?

3. Educational AND delicious!

4. While not inaccurate, this one just seems to put emphasis on the wrong part of the experience.

5. Wait, is that the PLACENTA IN THAT BOWL?!

6. Never have sprinkles been so unappetizing.

7. Nice bowtie?

8. Forget the fact that he’s sitting on a television. Why does baby Ethan look like an orange E.T.?

9. Dibs on the head!

10. I guess that’s one way to tell the world you’re having twins…

11. Most terrifying use of jello ever? Most definitely.


13. The miracle of life, as explained by a teenage boy.

14. So many questions, beginning with the Playboy bunny, and ending with the flesh window.

15. The logic of this one is undeniable.

16. It’s like an elegant army invading the castle of creepy.

17. Tristan’s quite a looker. Those eyes!

18. I guess it’s good to consider other possibilities for birth, too…

19. Wait, why “farewell”? Also, why the sexy lingerie?

20. Come on in, the water, ahem, placenta’s fine!

21. That’s one way to ensure people look at boring photos of your child.

22. Maybe push a little less, Nicole, lest the baby hits the wall.

23. Childbirth meets the Exorcist meets your worst fears realized.

24. Wait, is it climbing out of the bellybutton?

25. The sign’s a nice touch.

26. That’s one happy face for someone surrounded by the world’s most horrifying use of strawberries.

27. They’re like a little army of deliciousness coming for you…whether you like it or not.

28. Is Kristin the mother, or just someone with good hand-eye coordination?

29. Everybody loves a good meat baby

30. This is truly the spirit of the occasion, boiled down into one sentence.

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