38 Things You Need To Realize After Your Quarter-Life Crisis

With the speed at which things are moving nowadays, we no longer wait until mid-life to have a crisis. We like to have it after our first quarter. We seem to mature sooner.

Get exposed to more, earlier in our lives. Make important life decisions sooner. And start competing for scarce resources at a younger age.

This is all a good thing. Why? Because we start to worry sooner. We start to question ourselves, our decisions, our lives, and the decisions others make, at a younger age.

We are becoming increasingly inquisitive and skeptical – and I believe it to be for the better. If you panic right, then you are likely to come to make a few crucial realizations before you hit 40:

1. You don’t have too many real problems.

2. Life can get better with every day – as long as you want it enough.

3. There are many things in your life that you have no control over whatsoever.

4. There are also a few things in your life that you do have direct control over. The trick is differentiating between the two.

5. Sometimes your friends become more of a negative influence than a positive one.

6. At the end of the day you alone matter.

7. Happiness is a fleeting moment you shouldn’t try holding onto.

8. If everyone in the world were happy then nothing would ever get done. There would be no innovation, no progress, because there would seemingly be no problems nor motivation to create change.

9. Life isn’t fair. But it’s how you deal with this fact that either makes you or breaks you.

10. We each have our own journey to travel. Unfortunately, most people will never attempt to take that first step.

11. Even of those that do attempt to follow their dreams, travel that road of life, most will fail.

12. Most people fail not because they can’t cut it, but because when they realize they can’t cut it they accept it as final and claim failure for themselves.

13. There’s little in life that isn’t mutable in some way. This, however, doesn’t mean that you necessarily have what it takes to make those changes.

14. There always has and always will be those that are on top controlling the game and those below being used as pieces on a board. While you may not be capable of being a chess master, you can refuse to be a pawn.

15. Whatever you think you know, you know less.

16. There must be leaders in our world because most people choose to be followers. It isn’t necessarily right or wrong, it’s just the way it is.

17. Not everyone can or should attempt to lead. Whether leaders are born or made, most people aren’t capable of managing.

18. Your body is your temple and your mind your library. Both need to be maintained.

19. People will come into your life and they will leave. There’s no point in forcing them to stay. Instead, enjoy their company while it lasts.

20. Your life would be better if you had fewer people in your life. Most people are more poisonous than anything else.

21. Long commutes should be avoided.

22. Working a job you can’t stand is one of the biggest mistakes almost everybody seems to make.

23. The only things you actually need in life are: water, food, sleep, oxygen, exercise, and companionship. The rest you can refuse if you so wish.

24. You’re going to die and it’s okay. You will make the best with the time that you have and accept your fate when the time comes.

25. There is no better teacher than a broken heart.

26. Feeling great relies on a combination of physical and mental health – mainly the result of your diet, your exercise regimen, and your sleep cycles.

27. You’re stuck with yourself. You may as well make the best of it.

28. Material things weigh you down. Often, less is better.

29. Reading is the ideal form of entertainment.

30. Not everyone should have children. Sadly, most people who shouldn’t have children have too many and those that should don’t have enough.

31. A democratic country isn’t ruled by a president. Therefore, all the problems a country has shouldn’t fall squarely on his or her shoulders.

32. The goal isn’t too sleep with as many people as possible, but to find that one person you want to sleep with for the rest of your life. No, it’s not easy. But yes, it is possible.

33. Never settle for less than you believe you deserve. You live once. Don’t settle for subpar in anything you do.

34. Those that matter most to us need to be reminded how much they matter to us.

35. Animals are sometimes more human than some people.

36. You have all the answers to all your problems. Stop making so much noise. Instead, quiet down and listen.

37. There are some decisions in life that are incredibly difficult to make. There isn’t always a pleasing option – sometimes you have no choice but to lose.

38. Your life only matters if you make it matter. You only matter if you decide that you matter.