40 “Signs” That Have No Idea How To Use Quotations. This Is Hilariously Amazing… OMG.

Here’s a collection of humorous signs with improper “quotation marks”.

No thanks… not sure I want to go there.

What does fresh really mean?

That’s one creepy looking van.

Maybe you just look pregnant.


Woah… hold on! You’re being a little too forward.


Wink, wink…

Yep… when he’s not napping he “guards” the place.

Okay, whatever you say…

Does that mean they’ve never been worn?

I guess this means the surgeon is a human?!

Someone got excessive with the quotation marks…

Ha ha!

Don’t even bother looking for the entrance, just leave.


At least they are honest. 


Oh no! What’s really behind me?!!!!

They look like they’re working but you know…

I don’t think I want to use that kind of lotion. 

Wonder what’s in that bread.

If it’s above ground, it’s upstairs!

Or just turn the water on for a few seconds and pretend. 

This sign has an attitude.

Let the adventure begin! lol 

You can be confident when you buy from here.

Does that mean it won’t cost me anything?

Maybe I’ll just “ride the elevator.”

Someone got a little carried away again. 

Just because….

That makes me feel better.


I’ve heard about these kind of massages.

Don’t even ask what’s in it.

The bathroom is right next to the cow. 

Someone clearly did not do their grammar homework.

So that’s where this goes.

Some of these are just downright ridiculous but they made me laugh. If this made you smile, you should “share” it… wink wink! LOL!