75 INSANE Celebrity Facts That Will Change The Way You Look At Them Forever.
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2. Oprah Winfrey’s real name is Orpah, but after so many mispronunciations, “Oprah” stuck.

3. Marilyn Manson’s real name is Brian Hugh Warner.

4. Leonardo DiCaprio kicked in his mother’s belly while she was viewing a Leonardo da Vinci painting. Thus, he was named Leonardo.

5. Tim Allen was arrested in 1978 for possession of 1.4 pounds of cocaine and was jailed for two years.

6. Justin Timberlake’s mother was Ryan Gosling’s legal guardian while they filmed The Mickey Mouse Club.

7. Jerry Springer used to be mayor of Cincinnati.
8. Steve Buscemi spent his early days as a New York City firefighter. 9. When Madonna moved to NYC, she worked at Dunkin’ Donuts. She got fired because she squirted jelly on a customer. 10. Christopher Walken traveled with the circus when he was 15 as a lion tamer. 11. Sylvester Stallone’s first movie was a porn called “Party at Kitty and Stud’s.”

12. Sean Connery wore a toupee in every James Bond movie he appeared in!

13. Chuck Norris’ real name is Carlos Ray Norris. *Side note: He also created his own form of martial arts: Chun Kuk Do. His person creed is: “I will develop myself to the maximum of my potential in all ways. I will forget the mistakes of the past and press on to greater achievements. I will continually work at developing love, happiness and loyalty in my family. I will look for the good in all people and make them feel worthwhile. If I have nothing good to say about a person, I will say nothing. I will always be as enthusiastic about the success of others as I am about my own. I will maintain an attitude of open-mindedness. I will maintain respect for those in authority and demonstrate this respect at all times. I will always remain loyal to my God, my country, family and my friends. I will remain highly goal-oriented throughout my life because that positive attitude helps my family, my country and myself.”
14. Elvis Presley’s real hair color is a dirty blond. He started to dye his hair black in high school.

15. John Christopher Depp II has a paralyzing fear of clowns (coulrophobia), collects bugs and fake moustaches, and owns a 9 foot tall rooster he calls his “Nine Foot Cock.” He also lost his virginity at 13, doesn’t want his two children to follow his lead and act for a living, and refer to himself as “Mr. Stench.” (Frankly, J. Depp is weird.)
16. Christopher Ashton Kutcher has a twin, named Michael, who has cerebral palsy. 17. Alanis Morissette has a twin brother named Wade. 18. Nicholas Coppola’s (Nicholas Cage) middle name is Kim. (He can’t catch a break, can he?)

19. Scarlett Johansson has a twin brother named Hunter Johansson. She is older than him by 3 minutes. 20. Martin Lawrence was born in Germany. 21. Justin Timberlake is the voice of the “I’m Lovin’ It” campaign. 22. Bruno Mars’ real name is Peter Gene Hernandez.

23. Miley Cyrus’ real name is Destiny Hope. 24. Brandy killed someone in a car accident. She failed to brake immediately. 25. Laura Bush also killed someone in a car accident. 26. Michael J. Fox’s middle name is Andrew. (?!) 27. Anne Hathaway wanted to grow up to be a nun. 28. Dr. Ruth is a trained Israeli sniper.

29. Adele and Taylor Swift are basically the same age. Adele is 25. Taylor Swift is 24. 30. R. Kelly is illiterate. 31. Ryan Gosling was almost in the Backstreet Boys. He was offered a place in the band. 32. Mark Wahlberg went to jail for 45 days for beating a Vietnamese man in what was believed to be a racially motivated attack. 33. Martin Luther King Jr. was a huge Star Trek fan. Star Trek’s Nichelle Nichols actually was convinced to stay on the show after meeting MLK.

34. David Bowie’s eye is permanently dilated because of a fight he got in when he was 15.

35. Martha Helen Kostrya (Martha Stewart) used to be an editorial fashion model. 36. Steve Jobs used to relieve stress by soaking his feet in Apple’s company toilets. 37. When Bill Murray was 20, he was arrested at Chicago O’Hare for trying to smuggle 10 pounds of marijuana onto a plane. 38. Nicolas Cage once bought a pet octopus because he thought it would help with his acting.

39. Woody Harrelson’s dad was a hitman. 40. Joaquin Phoenix was raised in a cult. His parents brought him and his siblings up in the Children of God cult until 1978. 41. Tom Cruise was the inspiration for Christian Bale’s mannerisms in American Psycho. 42. Leighton Meester was born in prison while her mom was serving time for smuggling drugs.

43. Leonardo DiCaprio has a 38-pound Sulcata tortoise. He got the tortoise after attending the North American Reptile Breeders conference and asking for the biggest one they had. The tortoise could live for 80 years. He paid only $400.

44. Tom Cruise’s face is asymmetrical. He has three front teeth. 45. Jim Carey dropped out of school when he was 16 and worked as janitor.

46. Nicolas Cage once did mushrooms with his cat. 47. Nicolas Cage was also once stalked by a mime. “I was being stalked by a mime — silent, but maybe deadly. Somehow, this mime would appear on the set of Bringing Out the Dead and start doing strange things.”
48. Jennifer Lawrence and Justin Timberlake looked a lot alike in the 90’s. 49. Tim Curry was the voice for Nigel Thornberry on the cartoon The Wild Thornberries. 50. Jackie Chan was in a porn film. 51. J.K. Rowling was fired from her job as a secretary for daydreaming too much. After that, she wrote the Harry Potter books. 52. Dennis Rodman has 28 siblings. 53. James Lipton was a pimp in France. 54. Natalie Portman has been published in TWO scientific journals. 55. Tom Hanks is related to Abraham Lincoln. He is the third cousin, four generations removed.

56. Emma Stone is not a natural redhead. She’s actually blonde. 57. Christina Hendricks is also not a natural redhead. She’s a blonde, too. 58. Christina Hendricks is Emma Stone’s girl crush.

59. Ryan Reynolds and Alanis Morissette dated from 2002–2007. 60. Tom Hanks was once enrolled in seminary school to become a priest. 61. Samuel L. Jackson was part of a group of students that held a group of trustees at Morehouse College hostage, one of which was Martin Luther King Sr. 62. Kobe Bryant is fluent in Italian.

63. Matthew Perry is missing part of his middle finger because of a door-shutting accident (I wonder if he actually has a nubbin). 64. Rob Lowe is deaf in his right ear. It may be from a undiagnosed case of the mumps. 65. Matthew McConaughey is terrified of revolving doors. 66. Tyra Banks is terrified of dolphins. 67. Louis CK is a Mexican citizen. 68. Jeremy Renner was a successful makeup artist before he became an actor. 69. Al Roker and Lenny Kravitz are second cousins. 70. Rihanna’s name is Ree-anna, not Ree-ona.

71. Jaleel White, aka Urkel, did the voice for Sonic the Hedgehog. 72. Jason Sudekis’ uncle is Norm from Cheers. 73. Flea from Red Hot Chili Peppers did the voice of Donny on the Wild Thornberries. 74. Jaleel White, aka Urkel, did the voice for Sonic the Hedgehog. 75. Ed O’Neil, aka the dad on Married with Children, is a black belt in Brazilian jujitsu.

76. Look at this cute puppy 🙂
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