I Just Found The Most Amazing Thing Ever. College Kids And Alcoholics Rejoice.
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How many times have you found yourself uttering a phrase resembling, “I just want to get drunk without actually drinking”?
Well, your prayers have been answered. Deep-fried tequila actually exists.
No, you don’t have to travel across the ocean to get your hands on this tiny miracle. Thanks to Oh, Bite It! there is a recipe that I’m personally dying to try. It doesn’t even require that much effort or cooking skills!
If you’re an over-achiever, you can make an angel food cake. But, if you’re lazy like me, simply go out and buy a cake.
The next step is to cut the cake into small cubes and soak them in tequila. Deep fry the small bites in oil until they are golden brown. Top them off with powered sugar and enjoy!

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