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If a yellow lab was drowning in the ocean, what would you do? I’m betting you jump in and save his life, right? Well what if the victim was a 400lb bear. What do you do then?
Well after a huge black wandered into a Florida community and accidentally walked towards the ocean after being shot with a tranquilizer, a hero stepped up to do the unthinkable, and save one of the most dangerous animals on the planet.
After a report was called in about a wild bear roaming around, it was determined that he be tranquilized and moved back to the forest.
But the dart sent the bear into a panic and he ran towards the ocean, evading officers.
Soon he began swimming out into the Gulf. But the further he went, the more drowsy he became.
That’s when Adam Warwick, a biologist with the Wildlife Commission, knew he had to act.
Diving into the ocean, he swam ahead of the bear and blocked his path to the open water.
“It was a spur of the moment decision. I had a lot of adrenaline pumping when I saw the bear in the water.”
Onlookers were shocked as the 400lb bear could have torn him limb from limb normally.
The bear tried lunging at Adam to climb on top of him and stay afloat, but he was losing the ability to move his legs.
Staying calm, the biologist grabbed the bear around the neck and brought him towards the shore.
Everyone held their breath as Adam dragged the nearly-400-pound bear twenty-five yards to land.
And then finally he got land under the groggy bear’s paws.
Amazingly, he only suffered one minor cut, and scrapes from barnacles on his feet.
Eventually others came out to help both man and beast with the final few years to shore.
The team was able to use a tractor bucket to transport the poor guy back to his home in Osceola National Forest.
Something tells me he’ll have quite a story to tell his bear friends.
Hopefully they believe him!
Hopefully this bear knows just how lucky he is that a legendary hero like Adam Warwick was around to save his life. I don’t even want to think what would have happened had he not been around. I’m certainly karma will pay Adam back soon. 
Please share Adam’s story with your friends below.
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