These 35 People Should Never Be Allowed In A Kitchen Again. Here Are The Biggest Cake Fails Of All Time.
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Not everyone can turn fondant and buttercream into a work of art worthy of Cake Boss. ย Here are some people who have baking skills on par with mine (i.e. not good) who attempted to to bake…and failed brilliantly.
If this isn’t terrifying, I don’t know what is

It was supposed to have a “cap” on it


Poor Nancy


This one is a classic

Is that what I think it is?

There are too many things wrong here

Enough to give you the creeps

The Easter bunny of your nightmares

That’s a weird thing to write ๐

Is that supposed to be a blanket?

A subtle hidden message

Nailed it!

It had so much potential!


LOL, they brought in a flash drive with the picture on it and this happened

OMG proposal fail

Soupy Cake

So life like

This is awkward for Heather.

In the proverbial sense

Is that supposed to be a bird or a person?

This one is actually a win

I’m sure it tastes good, but yuck

Did they not think this through?

Now Wes Can All Do The Mispellings Cuz No Teacherz LOL.

At least they tried

Must be an avid gardener

I think they wanted sprinkles

My favorite time of the year

Nailed it.

We don’t want them getting to cocky

Get it together, cake decorators of the world!
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