These 44 Photos From The Past Won’t Be In History Books. Yeah, They’re THAT Messed Up.

There have been countless events and incidents throughout history that seem just too strange to be true. Today, the historical medical cures and contraceptives that people used seem like they were the brain child of a mad scientist and not a legitimate solution. (At least people were creative.)

Not only was medicine less developed, but the laws and socially acceptable behaviors were much different as well. You’ll be shocked to see some of the things that people did and used throughout history. The strange photos below are a perfect example of some of the weird stuff that has happened over the years.

Even if the pictures were innocent, some of these seem sincerely crazy. What the?

The moments captured in time are completely out of context now, but even keeping that in mind doesn’t help how strange some of this seems. Don’t laugh, though. In 50 years, what you’re doing today might seem completely crazy to other people.

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